
Saturday, July 10, 2010

All Over the Map by Laura Fraser

Laura Fraser's All Over The Map is a funny, witty, sometimes sad but honest review of her life and times. It could be a story about MY life, well, except for the world travel,college and the adventurous Mom! But her trials and tribulations with men and relationships struck a chord with me. Been there, done that. Her insight into the relationships, the whys and wherefores of them, is deeply introspective, completely personal, yet makes you feel you're on the journey with her. Her fears, insecurities, lack of self-esteem...all are part of who we are as women. She just boils it all down to what we all don't want to admit. That we aren't perfect and neither are men. But "la bella vita"! Life is beautiful, and each thing that happens to us, good or bad, makes our lives what they are. What we'll reflect back on in later years. As she says..."The love in your life adds up". So, tuck in your jewelry, hold your passport and money close and act like you know where you're going. You'll get there!

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