Jackie Fox has written the definitive book for breast cancer patients and survivors. Her soul-baring, personal recounting of her clash with breast cancer is honest, thought-provoking, personal and full of wisdom, insight and advice. Her "no-holds-barred" accounting of what she went through will not only bring you to tears, but if you are a breast cancer patient (or know someone who is) will give you hope and steer you down the path of knowing what to ask, how to make your own decisions without feeling guilty and even give you a chuckle or two as she inserts humorous anecdotes throughout the book. Jackie is living proof that cancer does NOT have to be the end, you CAN get through it, you CAN make the best of a horrible, scary situation. She enables you to FEEL...to feel all the emotions that you are entitled to, some you don't think you are, and some you never even knew you'd feel. Jackie speaks (and writes) as a friend, so you don't get the usual...."this is just another book about cancer" feeling.
I read this book in basically one sitting, with only small breaks. It's THAT engrossing! If you are a cancer patient or know of one, do yourself a favor and pick this book up. You won't regret it. It should be required reading for every newly diagnosed breast cancer patient!
Coming soon on Amazon and other fine retail sites!
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